
I Take Pictures of Words so I can Write Words That Sound Like Pictures

No Lie. This has been a crazy year.
Too Crazy.
So much has happened, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the exact same place I was one year ago.
It felt like this
But an amazing thing has happened and the second part of that isn't true anymore.
I know what I am searching for, now.
In a nutshell,
I'm just very excited for 2010.
I'm willing to put mad money down that it's going to be a damn good year.
Just the number typed out looks easy going and put together.

I'm so enjoying being home in lazy lovin' tennessee.
It feels like this

So far it's been a lotof giving our whole beings to staying out all night.
But it's worth it, being around beautiful people, my friends and family.
And just being.
Anything I Want To Be.
It's so nice to come home to everyone who's been so important for so long.
And Everything and Nothing has changed at the same time.
It feels like this

We can still do what we used to
But we've learned how to say

I saw this today and it made me think of New York and my roommate and west 10th.
in a good way. if that's possible.
maybe because i realized something. maybe because i finally laughed about it.


That's all I have to say for you for now

But here's some music.
My friend played this band for me today as we drove through Nashville and it made me happy.
And this video is what it looks like to be from the south.



Finding Each Other Was The Door Prize For Being Insane

I'm not sure what day it is. What time it is.
I feel like the dust that is permanently crushed into the porcelain of your mortar and pestle.
If you turned me inside out right now this is what you would find.
So I guess I should be more clear? I haven't slept in days.
And as if finals couldn't be taxing enough,
yep, you guessed it! I allowed myself to deliberate for the millionth time
should i stay or should i go now?
staying meaning new york, going meaning nashville, now meaning next semester.
It looked kind of like this.
I had to stop chasing my tail though to write a 20 page paper.
Which looked like this.

Finals definitely stressed me and mariel to the max!
She did her hair to calm her nerves.
while I timidly peaked into the sunrise to make sure I hadn't officially become a vampire
and after making all of the arrangements to saunter south for a reprieve from this city life,
(even teasing hopeful homeless 20 somethings
with the prospect of subletting my half of west 10th)
We sat on the hard wood floor together and entirely redesigned the layout of our apartment,
obligating Papa RJ to be our homosexual interior decorator meets metrosexual handyman
(he does not know this part yet)
I changed my mind about moving and Mariel and I crashed.
Harder than we've ever crashed before.
It looked like this.
Of course the silence of sleep didn't let us stay l o n g.
And we awoke like frustrated kittens caught in the ball of yarn that is our lives.
But after 2pm tomorrow I will be
And I will fly south for the winter.
To see all of my favorite funny bunnies back in nashtasty.
And turn my head towards peace for a little while.



Now You've Got A Brighter Smile, and I Think I'm Going To Like It

So I left out in my last post any sort of synopsis of my week at home
let's just say it was irrefutably turbulent
I had a bit of a
Jack Kerouac
I decided I needed to run away to California to find my soul.
Apparently I've read
On The Road
too many times,
but I don't think that's possible.
Anyways, after a total manhunt, a few hundred miles and one missed flight back to NYC later
I came to my senses and returned home to two very angry parents
(rightfully so)
who helped me get myself together and get on the next flight back up north.
What can I say,
every now and then a girl's gotta test out her own independence and keep that sense of adventure alive.
Long story short, Papa RJ came up this past weekend to make sure I wasn't planning my next big escape.
And we had a whole lotta good ole Great Gatsby fun.
Friday night we went to the best live jazz bar i've ever been to called Garage.
I fell for a few musicians, Matthew and I did the Charleston and it was grand.

We all felt like little flapper girls inside.
except for maybe Coco, my love, bestie and cynical touch stone

Saturday night we went to see Chicago!
One of my favorite musicals,
but leave it to Ashlee Simpson-Wentz's acid reflux and unquestionable lack of any kind of talent
to, well let's not say ruin it, but make it a bit of a joke.
The rest of the cast however, was spectacular, and let's just leave it at that.

But enough of my own cynicism,
Here's some real talent.
I've listened to this song on repeat all day.
It kind of describes right now.

The Big City is finally about the temperature it should be for this time of year,
a.k.a. "burn your face off cold"
which i don't necessarily mind, stepping out into the chill from the stale indoors is refreshing
But i appreciate exhibitionism and nudity is out of the question right now.
So I will leave you will a small homage to taking your clothes off.

And lastly Here is a beautiful piece just finished by one of my best friends
Roxanna Shohadaee
a shining soul and inspiring talent
(if you couldn't tell it's me and ryan)
It excites me too that all of my friends are turning into such ecstatic souls
bursting at the seems with electricity.

now i'm off to hit the books.
and maybe howl at the moon later



You See Me When Daylight Opens Up Your Eyes

So I know it's been far too long since we last spoke
and after a few sedatives, my soft thoughts and lazy limbs aren't quite up to par to give you the quality post you deserve.
but please bare with me
The times have been chaotic recently. This semester has been a lackluster succubus of my time and energy.
Fading me out
towards an invisible spinning goal
that won't stop so i can get on.
I've done a lot of sitting, waiting and wishing.
And now i am staring down the barrel of finals.
But once these few papers and projects have been written, re-written and proof read
the stress will be gone, and I will be on my way back down to nashy
to unwind and slow down time
And I shall return to New York City in 2010 (oh my god!)
refreshed and alive and ready to pursue a new goal of film making and screen writing.
I think the city opens up when you have a reawakening of purpose and passion,
and i'm very excited for that.

I'm learning everyday how to not let go of the past, but to stop looking back at it all of the time.
I have to face forward and know that we'll all find each other again, but only after we find ourselves.
The people we are and were meant to be
Post the destruction and wreckage of high school.
And if you lose me, I am only ever a phone call away.
I'll believe in you if you believe in me.

Enough about my puzzle piece life
here are some sights and sounds so that our minds can all escape together

This song basically explains what New York means
to me.

And I think that this is beautiful.
Created by Le Corbusier for the 1958 Bruscelles World Exhibition

if that's not art i don't know what is.

thanks for stopping by y'all
but this gal's sleepy
exciting pictures of papa rj's visit this past weekend, and hopefully an indians-take-over-the-pilgrims-inspired photoshoot from Thanksgiving are coming soon however so stay tuned
