
Finding Each Other Was The Door Prize For Being Insane

I'm not sure what day it is. What time it is.
I feel like the dust that is permanently crushed into the porcelain of your mortar and pestle.
If you turned me inside out right now this is what you would find.
So I guess I should be more clear? I haven't slept in days.
And as if finals couldn't be taxing enough,
yep, you guessed it! I allowed myself to deliberate for the millionth time
should i stay or should i go now?
staying meaning new york, going meaning nashville, now meaning next semester.
It looked kind of like this.
I had to stop chasing my tail though to write a 20 page paper.
Which looked like this.

Finals definitely stressed me and mariel to the max!
She did her hair to calm her nerves.
while I timidly peaked into the sunrise to make sure I hadn't officially become a vampire
and after making all of the arrangements to saunter south for a reprieve from this city life,
(even teasing hopeful homeless 20 somethings
with the prospect of subletting my half of west 10th)
We sat on the hard wood floor together and entirely redesigned the layout of our apartment,
obligating Papa RJ to be our homosexual interior decorator meets metrosexual handyman
(he does not know this part yet)
I changed my mind about moving and Mariel and I crashed.
Harder than we've ever crashed before.
It looked like this.
Of course the silence of sleep didn't let us stay l o n g.
And we awoke like frustrated kittens caught in the ball of yarn that is our lives.
But after 2pm tomorrow I will be
And I will fly south for the winter.
To see all of my favorite funny bunnies back in nashtasty.
And turn my head towards peace for a little while.


1 comment:

  1. love this post, benzodiazepines are my problem in this moment but I do not know if they are really a problem XD
