
You See Me When Daylight Opens Up Your Eyes

So I know it's been far too long since we last spoke
and after a few sedatives, my soft thoughts and lazy limbs aren't quite up to par to give you the quality post you deserve.
but please bare with me
The times have been chaotic recently. This semester has been a lackluster succubus of my time and energy.
Fading me out
towards an invisible spinning goal
that won't stop so i can get on.
I've done a lot of sitting, waiting and wishing.
And now i am staring down the barrel of finals.
But once these few papers and projects have been written, re-written and proof read
the stress will be gone, and I will be on my way back down to nashy
to unwind and slow down time
And I shall return to New York City in 2010 (oh my god!)
refreshed and alive and ready to pursue a new goal of film making and screen writing.
I think the city opens up when you have a reawakening of purpose and passion,
and i'm very excited for that.

I'm learning everyday how to not let go of the past, but to stop looking back at it all of the time.
I have to face forward and know that we'll all find each other again, but only after we find ourselves.
The people we are and were meant to be
Post the destruction and wreckage of high school.
And if you lose me, I am only ever a phone call away.
I'll believe in you if you believe in me.

Enough about my puzzle piece life
here are some sights and sounds so that our minds can all escape together

This song basically explains what New York means
to me.

And I think that this is beautiful.
Created by Le Corbusier for the 1958 Bruscelles World Exhibition

if that's not art i don't know what is.

thanks for stopping by y'all
but this gal's sleepy
exciting pictures of papa rj's visit this past weekend, and hopefully an indians-take-over-the-pilgrims-inspired photoshoot from Thanksgiving are coming soon however so stay tuned
