
A Long List of Grievances

So I've been back in New York for almost two weeks now and I return to Nashville/road trip it to New Orleans, a week from today, and I could not be more relieved. 
I have my own room now. Which i turned into a cave. Which suits my current circumstances.
I know I've been worrying a lot of people recently, worrying them a lot, (a lot a lot) and I am very grateful for all of the incendiary people in my life who care (thank the lord for Ryan Poteet. You are an amazing friend and a beautiful person and I'm sorry for trying your patience.) On the other hand, some people have been gravely disappointing, but I unfortunately have come to expect people to disappoint me and be surprised when they don't.  But, I guess it's better to fall into hell every once in a while and see who's still standing next to you, than ice skate forever with fair weather friends.

Issue number 2 with the world:
Dear young adults just now trying to find your place in the world...
there is more to life than ending up on the latest photoblog. there is more to life than witty little theme parties. there is more to life than mediocre clubs with nothing really going for them other than washed up 30 year olds who let 18 year olds into the v.i.p section so that they can keep feeling young.  
For the sake of not being a hypocrite lemme give you a little  context for my rant.
I am sick and tired of finding out that people that I thought were genuine, passionate and vibrant human beings, were actually social climbing little snakes slithering there way up from the trannies at rush to the free bottles at le royale.
it's sad really. really sad. 
And I understand the lure of pretty faced and feathered internet whores laughing along with you to the beats of badly remixed pop hits, but Come On Guys.
I've gone through cycles of kicking off and dropping out for a while, but I always end up back here with these same feelings towards certain people.
Try getting really faded and mischievously roam the boroughs of this fair city with some quality people, it's some of the best fun i can remember having since we used to get drunk at p lot and dance on our cars.
So listen you scoundrels, going out is something I do every night too when I'm not drowning in a sea of work, but I would rather sit around and listen to records and drink wine with souls blazing, getting to the point where we're willing to take our clothes off and cover ourselves in glitter, than sit in a club full of delusional wannabe socialites, escaping their sad realities, any day.
But at the end of any day, to each his own, and as long as you are happy, do your thing boo, but don't forget to make sure you're satisfied.
and remember 
Karma is a Bitch My Dears.  

Another note on being genuine:
If you're not, please refrain from talking to me.  I am so over wannabe Lux Interior, charm me with violence and sugar coat me with danger people(boys).
get over yourselves.
s'il vous plait.
And to a note to a few others:
Quit causing drama. No one's interested.
Take your pills and shut the fuck up.

I just want to go back here

So yea,
I don't really know what my point is. But people have been getting on me about not blogging, so look at me go, i'm blogging!

constructive things....
I filled this out and it was incredibly eye opening, it might be for you too.

And if you haven't yet, you should really go to the Frick museum on 70th and 5th. Molly and I ventured uptown after a bowl of cereal, and I have never been so pleasantly surprised by a stuffy place that looks at me like I'm going to steal/break things.
I saw three Turners.
He's one of my favorites.
Like this


Now didn't that feel good?

Alright. I'm out. I have papers to write about anthropology of Cherokee Indians and the use of psychedelic drugs in communal living. Thanks Eugene Lang for not making me take real classes.

Oh and this explains pretty much everything

anyone want to start a band?



  1. I've been wanting to go to the Frick! I have this crazy old english professor who raves about it almost every class.

  2. i patiently await our next path-crossing collision.

