
Good Vibrations

Oh Hey There,

So first things first, I'm sorry for taunting you all and turning out to be an irresponsible blogger. Désolé. I promise to be more frequent.

So it's looking like moving to 3F was a kick ass decision. I don't feel like I'm drowning anymore, it's more like floating now. I dig it. And Mitch and I have begun a new tradition called Southern Tuesdays
(more catchy name coming soon) which began as us watching True Blood and clinking our 40's at every quintessential southern moment, and has just turned into a weekly adventure with one of my favorite fellow southerners trapped in the grittygrimeyhustlebustle.

More good news: 
so remember that trip to New Orleans I was talking about taking. I took it. And got a reckless endangerment ticket for going 100mph. (oopsie daisy) But my dad is badass as always and talked Alabama out of making me come to court on the 29th and suspending my license (even though I probably shouldn't have one anyways... but don't tell anyone I said that)
At least NYC has an excellent public transit system, of which I am a frequent user.

Oh and I signed up for my classes for next semester:
Mondays and Wednesdays: 
Classical Social Thought 10-11:40a.m.
    Planning the Sustainable City 2-3:40p.m.
Understanding Inequality 4-5:40p.m
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 
12-1:40p.m. Literary Foundations
2-3:40p.m. Fundamentals in Cognition

And once I get my Parsons ducks in a row, I'm probably gonna get down with some Communication Design classes.

Trying to keep my head in the game even though part of me wants to move to Spain and the other part wants to be a bounty hunter, or a brothel madam. But all who wander are not lost, I know I'll find just where I'm supposed to be. It always seems to work out that way.

Speaking of which I really need to find an apartment for next semester. I have a dream that it will look like this

But I also wish that people dressed like they did in Marie Antoinette's France. So for now I will just keep to buying corsets from vintage stores and looking on craigslist for a humble abode on lower east side or wherever else the budget will allow.

I should probably get back to my all-nighter of coffee from Chelsea Food Mart and all of the things I've been putting off for the past few weeks. 

But I'll leave you with a few things to munch on.
has been my walking soundtrack recently, and if you like radiohead it's pretty rad. check it out.

Oh and me and Mariel are bringing back the sparkle flat, if it ever even left

Goodnight and Good luck.


1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! I wish people still dressed like that as well!
