So Spring Break is almost over,
and it just now got relaxing.
I spent such a short time in Nashville that it just kind of seems like a drunken blue blur.
And I arrived in Toronto exhausted.
But my boo helped me with some R&R
and after a hellish drive sitting in the back seat next to a very large amp,
We had a kick ass time in Montreal
anything in the name of Rock n' Roll I guess
This is what this break has felt like

I'm actually starting to believe

and I don't feel like this so much anymore

I've got two more months living in New York City as a student before I open a new life chapter
but i'm excited to get Team Big Whoops together and make it look like this

trees with leaves

and lots of thuggin' in the streets

Even though it's very gray and chilly here right now,
everything looks really sunny.
Maybe it's because you can't not be happy when you're listening to
The Temptations
(doesn't this make you super ready for Bonarroo '10 yall?)
p.s. this is what varnish looks like in a fish bowl.
pretty sick right?

p.s.s. these are two artists that you should really check out.
they will definitely inspire you:

(that's oil on linen dudes!)

anyways, I have a mountain of work to do before I return to the big rotten apple
and a boyfriend to tend to.
See ya on the flip side clicksters

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