
Video Killed the Radio Star

So I'm back in New York
after 9 hours of travel for what is normally a one-hour direct flight.
(is that slander? not sure but i really don't care.)

Anyways, I have a mountain of work to do
since I just spent the last hour and a half
going through everything I own and reorganizing
(there's no better way to feel productive than moving around what's already there, yall.)
and I'm getting rid of a lot of awesome things that I just don't have room for
I hate to see them go, but i'd love to see them on one of you!
**hint hint online ChloëKillwell garage sale coming soon to a laptop near you**

Speaking of the interweb,
and since I don't have a lot of time tonight,
I thought I'd share with you some of my new favorite web treats

this is for any music lover who also feels that music can change your life
and that there's nothing better than seeing music do just that for a child.

I give you the PS22 chorus performing Lisztomania by Pheonix

so brilliant I know.

A fellow Nashvillian, Mr. Korby Lenker
had the brilliant idea to make this awesome video
(with a shot gun cameo by yours truly and endearing artillery sound effects by papa RJ)
as shamelessly genius self promotion
for a radio contest he is in currently as an Americana artist

you can go vote for him here. cause you gotta admit this video deserves it yall.


This has become my second favorite Fashion Designer to come out with a tantalizing and adorable video to debut her spring 2010 collection

(visit her website here.)

But nothing compares to the film endeavors of Erin Fetherston and Ellen Von Unwerth
This one's my favorite

so there's some things to get you through this chilly rainy night (at least in nyc)
or wherever your dreamy little head may be

Goodnight ClickStars


1 comment:

  1. lisztomania made me so happy.
    re-posting and spamming to all those who recognize how this should make people feel. thank you.
