
I can't 

I have so much to do, and I just feel like this

To Do:
write four papers
clean my prison cell
start packing up prison cell
go to gym

Maybe this will all happen today.
Or I could just keep clicking around on the internet and finding things that make me laugh because they remind me of Mariel and I
Don't ask me why

So also in the midst of my blatant procrastination and absurd wasting of time I've been contemplating a particular conversation.
Me: You're a label whore.
Mariel: I'm not a label whore, I'm a quality whore.

I thought this was quite funny, and then realized that it's actually kind of poignant.  My life has been sort of a roller coaster for the past year, but the one thing that I can say above all is that through all of the drastic changes, I'm surrounded by a quantity of quality.  More and more of the toxic attributes and people in my life are being filtered out as time goes on and the ones being added, and especially the ones that have made it all this way with me, are people and things that I should be filling my life with. 
I guess it's a sign of growing up.
feels good.
So be a quality whore. Go Buy Prada.

And now I leave you with a dirty old bastard
and some flowers
sometimes it takes a little bit of both to brighten your day.

That is all.


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