
All I Want Is The Best For Our Lives, My Dear

I leave for Nashville in 13 days, and it's never been more obvious that things look much different from far away.  I've been counting down to May 19th since August 21st, and now I'm spinning in a snow globe of nostalgia as I reminisce on the past 9 months that i've wished away.  I've met such amazing people, been to such cluttered corners of this fair city filled with such drunken smiles, ridden such fast trains, taken such slow cabs, braved such a cold winter and breathed such a refreshing spring (even if it has rained non-stop for the past 4 days).  I've realized that it's not about choosing Nashville or New York, it's about letting them both be part of who I am.  The former being my beloved hometown and the place that's made me who I am and will always be full of people that I love and miss, and the latter being the place that will shape my next set of memories and where I will find even more people to love and miss.  You can't stay in one place forever, but you still have to pick a place to call home.  Nashville is home, because it is where my heart is, and New York is now because it is where my head is. 

(So listen up fools, this is an announcement to all of those who thought I would be returning to the south for good after this school year came to a close.  I am certainly making my way on down to spend a sleepy southern summer with you all, but I am coming back to this busy city in the fall. I have to, and no it's not fair)
It's all going to work out though, I promise. Because it all works out in the end, and if it doesn't than it's not the end. Someone smart told me that.

I signed my first big girl lease on my first big girl West Village apartment! Yay. We get the keys on the 15th if all goes according to plan. 
Now we have some major decorating to do (aka painting everything pink)

So that's le update Darlings. Other than that I've just been doing a lot of sleeping

to avoid feeling like this
With all of the loose ends that must be tied before I can start unraveling new strings elsewhere.

But soon things will be back to normal and you can call me Pocahontas again,
Don't You Worry.
