
Baby, It's Been Done

Greetings from
I do owe you an apology for inundating you with photographs of sex and anger last time we spoke.
I was looking a lot like this
and it was just one of those days that doesn't have words.
I've been reading a lot of Joan Didion
(she is my hero)
(if you don't own a copy of Slouching Towards Bethlehem, I highly recommend it. A treasure box of emerald and amethyst essays that always pick me up when I'm down.)
the combination of her wisdom and the fact that finally my professors aren't keeping the secret from me anymore that:
you are supposed to be miserable when you live in New York in your twenties,
but when we're in our thirties we will tell the new twenty-year-olds that New York was the best "in our day."
well that made me feel better

Spring is on the way and I'm trying to
But I'm just dying to
So, I just keep writing
(hopefully things that will be bound in a beautiful cover and in your hot little hands some day soon)
and I drink a lot of tea (with whiskey, hold the cream, please)
and rearranging my collections
and listening
to my version of Jesus' hymnals
and wearing a lot of lace,
so it kind of always feels like I'm in a night gown,
so I must still be sleeping and this is definitely all just a dream
Honestly though,
I just want to make a lot of money so I can comfortably live out my
White Trash Fantasy
it looks a little something like this
that's the pet dear I will have, Barbie.

p.s. if you need something great to go look at, go to this website purple.fr
i have very little faith in fashion writers, call me a wannabe-bitchy-thrift-store-snob if you want, but really guys? get over it. anyways, this website is a good example of fashion writing actually being self-aware and exerting a level of elegant restraint, and there's great photography as well.

p.s.s. if you need something to listen to, you should probably pick up adele's new album, 21. it's brought many happy tears that made me seriously remember i definitely have hormones and a vagina, and i'm damn proud of it too.

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