
Want to Leave But the World Won't Let Me Go

So I just spent halloweekend in New Orleans with my sister Amelia.
It was one of my favorite weekends i've ever had
my last post was while I was there
I was so happy I didn't want to take the time to slow it all down by describing in detail
so i just gave you some sights and sounds
so maybe you could feel it too
there's just something about certain people and certain places
like part of my favorite quote (that my landlord is not going to be pleased to find gilded on my bedroom wall...oopsie daisy) from my favorite book
"that burn, burn, burn like fabulous roman candles exploding like spiders across the sky and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop, and everyone goes "Awww."

But until Amelia posts the photographs, I shall give you a long overdue update on the recent and eventful happenings @west 10th.

the semester started out with fashion's night out
i got an awesome new leather zip up dress from intermix
I guess Anna Wintor's grand idea did influence some irresponsible spending
way to go Anna! of course that will help the economy (not)
Another weekend my friends had a "Good Hair" party
which consisted of a lot of dayglow weave, binge drinking and a few bad decisions
Mariel and I don't like when people touch us or tell us what to do
so we put our weave in the form of long eyelashes made of feathers
I think it was the right thing to do.
Another night we attempted to go to a "party"
apparently some people don't know what that word means anymore.
But we still discovered one thing while waiting in the subway, and we thought it was important enough to write part of it on both of our hands so we could share it, and find the other one if we got separated.
we probably lasted about the 5 minute in "the party"
but we did find out that our lives currently feel like a kitty in a bag, if you know what i mean, that there's a veggie wrap being sold somewhere in the financial district called "the angry broker," and if we want to take a cab, we'll take a cab.
My last weekend in the Big Apple, before headin' down to the Big Easy
we tried to go to a party in Brooklyn.
In the words of Jay Z and Santagold "Brooklyn We Go Hard"
but anyways, leaving Manhattan is easier said than done,
but we had some nice kitten times in the apartment before our failed excursion

So that's the long and the short of Now.
I feel like New York is a time trap right now, and when I'm here the sand in my looking glass moves very slowly. But when I leave it floods out so fast I can't keep up.
But I'd rather not be able to keep up, than have to wait up.
I have so much to figure out right now, a bottomless pit of endless opportunity is not as great as everyone thinks it is. A least not when you have A.D.D.
I'll keep you posted.



  1. Bbygrl I'm so glad I met you this year//can't believe I didn't sooner.

    I'm followin this shit from now on

    ...maybe it'll inspire me to blog again


  2. i love your style, its so original, vintage chic yet still with fashion
    i salute you!
