
Celebration Guns

So I'm back in The City
and it's just how i wanted it to be.

I feel like Mariel and I are in this book
Because we've been staying up all night and sleeping all morning, and waking up in the afternoon to make tea and panini and watch Dexter. (it just keeps us occupied while we wait for the next True Blood)
Ryan sleeps over a lot
This was us one morning.
In my bed, which happens to be the best bed in the world.
Life right now looks like this

But it's not all fun and games. Mariel and I are having to take on many big girl tasks, some things we never even thought we would ever be dealing with, like:
  • Which ways do tilted wall mounts tilt?
  • What is dry wall?
  • Does the price of the drill really make that much of a difference?
  • If we turn on the oven and it smells like gas is that bad?

It's all coming together with time though, and eventually our apartment will look like the homosexual opium den that we imagined it would.
The gays are coming over soon so we can go out, so I should probably go, but if you've seen either of these boys let me know.

And don't worry, Mariel, Sam (her brother who is a current house guest),
and I attempted to make a stop motion snuff film, and the pictures are coming soon to my blog near you.


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