
When It's All Over I'll Let You Know

So we woke up on Saturday to

(which if you need clarification was a rehearsal for the senior citizen talent show that was part of the street fair that shut down 8th avenue)
And Molly Joy Joined us.
Then Mariel and I were taken on our first unsuccessful round of apartment hunting, which was followed today by round two of bad locations, awkward smells and prick-esque brokers who by far underestimate our real-estate savvy.

We'll find our Versailles soon enough though....

Anyways... after the fair we went to visit the rat in the wheel at Marc Jacobs Kids in Soho (why do we always find ourselves there despite how much we loathe the area) 

This is the Rat.
and then we noticed the best part, being the baby who clearly saw the stupidity in the whole senario
And this is what Manhattan has been looking like recently, which has been a sort of Southern Comfort that doesn't come out of a bottle.

and weather like this just kind of makes me want to be naked

Or dress like Dita

So school is winding down, and I think it's probably obvious that my head's in some sort of checked out wolly-wolly land, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
I think New Yorkers are just now starting to get their spirits back after the 
long winter

So be kids and go play!

I want to have picnics on rooftops and long talks in warm parks.

this is a present of my dearest Sophia, because she is the only person who would ever appreciate this as much as I do.

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