
Hi I'm Chloe Marie

so i think when you meet a person's parents you can learn a lot about them
so here are mine.
my dad is gay (and yes he's my biological father. and no i don't feel like explaining to you "how did that happen?" deal.) and my mom is a native american. they traveled the country singing together for a long bit until i was kicking my moms tummy too hard and they settled down in nashville tennessee.

i'm southern. i love the south. and whatever your stereotypes are about the region are mere misconceptions. i am certain. come down whenever i'm there and see us and i will show you a good time. yes we will wear shoes and yes we will drink lots of whisky. 

I am currently a transplant to new york city. i go to the new school. you may have heard of it...and no i have not seen tim gun. communication design and urban studies seem to be the plan right now. i want to explore and i am interested in too many things.(disorderly conduct, explicit nudity, bubbles, glow sticks, art, vamps, karma, spandex, free spirits, meditating, hot water, vegans, cunts, whores, self medication, blood, more art and dark liquor to name a few.) i'll settle on whichever of them will lead to the best adventures.

i live around lower chelsea and i have amazing roommates who you will eventually be able to cyberstalk as well as we all jump on the band wagon and we are the girls of 2C.

Basically me and my band of miscrits are all just retards in pretty colors and now we're on display as we look to the internet for new outlets for wasting time.

Do enjoy. discuss. lemme know. figure it out. make fun. point fingers. jump in. we're all dying anyway. and we're all just so damn clever too.


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