
This Christmas Meant Fire, Fury and Family

It's no wonder that after all these years of
illicitly illegal, unanimously underage,
parents-out-of-town, debauchery in our own backyard,
that we have refined our ruckus-making skills.
This year it was a Christmas party, the day after Christmas,
After all of the family "winge-ing"
(New Zealand word I learned from Coco that I've come to understand as meaning general obligatory, but not necessarily bad, exasperation or distress.)
We finished out 2009 at the infamous and magical gypsy wonderhouse
that lies on Rockdale(Electric)Avenue.
The keg was finally full of nice bear (for once)
The house was party-proofed before the party (for once)
No one got hurt, No one vomited
(at least not at inopportune moments or in unfortunate places)
The cops did not come,
and the only bad kid(s)

there was a pit bull named Jacques
(and he's still a puppy, so we'll cut him some slack)

So here is one of my best nights ever in Nashville, Tennessee. In pictures...
That's My DJ.
That's my shining star.
That's a cool ass picture.
That's my love.
That's my love's love.
That's my boo. Take 1.
Take 2.
Take 3.
These are my best friends.
This is how we dubstep.
This is Nashville.
This is Nick.
Since he made fun of me for having a blog and all, I figured I feature him on it.
This is fire spinning.
And this looks like a skeleton made of fire, spinning fire.
This is the point at which I was no longer okay to drive.
(which i didn't, mom and dad, scouts honor.)
These are gangsters.
This is silly.
This just sums it all up.
(Note Hugh Hefner-esque robe. Definitely Best Dressed)
This is three's company. Our way.

And this is how I'll always feel about home...
I took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map And knew that somehow I could find my way back Then I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too So I stayed in the darkness with you.
-Florence and the Machine


Put Your Hands Inside of My Pockets, Keep Them Warm While I'm Still Here

I wake up way too early when you're not here.
so after doing this
(shh don't tell my mom. i'm sorry
but it's in the teens outside.
A Nashvillian's nightmare.)
I figured why not blog? eh?
I'm pretty cynical this morning though. And maybe still drunk.
You've been warned.

I want to go here.
So smoking would look like this instead.

Everything today is reminding me of things.
Old Ideas and Tired Thoughts.
but that's probs totes obvi because i slept for(4) four hours.

This reminds me of my apartment in New York.
This reminds me of New York.
This reminds me of my dad.
So does this for some reason.
This reminds me why I'm not a fine art major.
This reminds me of my school.
This reminds me of my roommate.
This reminds me that New York definitely hasn't been all bad.
This reminds me of the perks of being an only child.
This reminds me of us.

This reminds me of


This reminds me of my (figurative)sister.
she left today.
i miss her already.
why did we all have to grow up and blow away?
But I understand the need to
I think I'm going to be doing a lot of it this year and in the years to come.

But this summer I want to live here.
With everyone I love. And a puppy.
Too much to ask?
I think not.



You've Always Been A Color But Now You're In Bold

I Hope/Know 2010 is Going to be Full of Love
and Flight

Nashville's definitely brought a lot of party with a lot of good people
But a lot of laying back too
(note obvious captivation by visualizer and oriental rug... bad kids)
Taking Loads of Photos
Loving the Free and Open Outdoors
And Finding You.

We went on a little southern tour this past week. We drove to Athens, Georgia to bring in the New Year with Telepath and Dubconcious.
My friend Tory was live painting at the show and kicking ass.

you can check out more of her beautiful talent here.

We had an splendid time, and all agreed it was one of the best New Years celebrations we've ever had.
This photograph pretty much sums it up. Art, Dancing, and David on the prowl.
Mama Jackie picked us up some Old Forester Bourbon that clearly had us swervin'
New Years Day we drove to Knoxville to party at our friends house with
forties, hottubs, snow, a full moon and fire pits.
(No pictures of this night exist sadly.)
I guess that means we were actually living our lives for once, instead of just documenting the fact that we lived. And When That Happens Everything Is Perfect.
And the next day we drove back to Nashville.
We felt like a traveling band for a minute, and it was nice.
It made me wonder if that's how my parents felt back in the day when they were traveling musicians.

Life has felt like this recently
beautiful days turning into mystical nights beguiling me with all of the lost and found treasures of a group of young adults watching their adolescence shimmer into stardust.
I also just love Edmund Dulac's work. If any illustrator can make you think. No, know. that life is beautiful, it's him. You can see more about him here.

On another note, my musical threshold has recently been exponentially increased
so i've been a very happy little music lover.
I've been listening to lots of Motown

This is one of my favorite Etta songs. And No Lie, Beyonce does a damn good job at it. This is a clip from Cadillac Records, a movie that for some reason we've been watching on repeat.
Not complaining though, thanks comcast digital cable.

These Two Albums have definitely been on repeat too recently.

I also miss someone a lot right now.
and i'm trying not to just sleep it off.
And use the mean time to prepare to come visit you, and die of cold canadian weather.

Anyways enough about me
Here's an awesome animal that people don't give enough credit.
the snake.
I think they're beautiful.
(and i want one. hopefully it won't eat the puppy that i also want.)

And for the more faint of heart, kitties!
Mainly this is a message to Mariel, because we need to begin serious discussions on the redecorating of the kitty palace, aka West 10th.
(But really girl, call me, we gotta map this shit out.)

And this song pretty much describes right now.
And this is one of my new fave bands.
And it's a cool video.
So enjoy and go do something important.
Because you're important.
