
Freeze Without An Answer

So New York is feeling Better and Better
Mainly because of these people and a few other shining stars
It kind of feels like this

So every three months or so someone else shows me this video again
Definitely not my favorite song in the world
But Definitely always fun to watch
So I thought I'd show it to you

but this one makes me happier

mainly because it reminds me of being 16. A time I would love to go back to.

So I typically hate blogs, hypocritical, i know
maybe i've just been looking at the wrong ones
Because this guy
is very talented
and his blog Them Thangs, made me really happy
It's a beautiful juxtaposition of elegance and trash, sex and tact, fashion and reality, glamour and grotesque. And I love that it's just pictures.
These were some of my favorites

But as usual I'm running late
I'm off to Philadelphia for the night to go hang out with some new friends I met at Phoenix and Passion Pit in Central Park last weekend.

Stay Hazardous to your Health, Y'all


p.s. dear, team big whoops. tomorrow night it's on!


Wonder the Halls Along the Walls

So like I feared, the luster of this concrete jungle where dreams are made of
has worn off
just slightly
i mean it's still shiny, but just not quite as shiny as this window display uptown that Mama Jackie and I really got a kick out of last weekend
It was her birthday and she came to rescue me from my mind
for a few days
and we went and saw Monet at the MOMA

The Water Lilies to be Exact
and no matter how many times i've seen them, they're always breathtaking
this was a pretty sweet exhibit too
About the Netherlands in the 1970's

And we went to Serendipity for lunch and Mari Vanna for Dinner and over stuffed ourselves with amazing food and decor that is the epitome of cute
but in a week and a half I get to go home for Papa RJ's birthday and all will be merry
And Now I'm Just Dreaming

I've got memories for the future and wishes for the past.
it's a mess right now, ya hear?
I guess that's what i get for being a student in the city.
Because my crew right now is pretty in need of a plan b for homework and financial security and a relationship abortion.

i know i've been m.i.a.
but i like the dreaming i've been doing
so i'm going to be doing a lot more of it
ChloëKillwell's on hiatus, y'all
and either this internet expression
the oxymoron that it is
will either pull me back in
or it will be over and out.

But for now
Back to sleep
Because the land is dreamy and thoughts are dewy

it's time for a



As usual I'm apologizing for not keeping up with the quick, yo. But jokes aside this is the worst I've ever done on staying updated, but, like I probably told my parents 1000 times in high school,
I promise I will do better

the end of the summer was electric thunder, watching the sun come up, floating through the forest, catching lightning bugs and singing as loud and hard as we could.

But enough of that
This is what's now.

and for the first time, I'm super psyched about it
It feels right right right here
and I'm learning that i don't have to feel guilty for enjoying my time here,
loving something new doesn't sway the love of what came before it

I've been listening to a lot of Iggy
as I stomp to class
(super happy about that too. Mariel and I have been in desperate need of some responsibility.)

But we've still been romping it up too (Responsibly Mama Jackie, Papa RJ, Bets and Lar, don't worry!)
We've been getting a lot of this.
But what are you gonna do? If you know anything about us, you understand.

But it's late and I should have been asleep hours ago. Harder, better, faster, stronger post coming asap
But until then, watch out this southern girl is locked and loaded.
